Residential Management

Each building has its own particularities, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. This is why good management is essential for health and stability. Enjoying a multidisciplinary team, Miromont Management inc, is able to offer expert services in this area:

titre_GestionFinanciere1Financial Management

• Budget Forecast
• Management of payable accounts and emissions of checks to suppliers
• Payroll
• Various government reports (eg. PST, GST, DAS, etc.)
• Bank reconciliations and cash report
• Income and expenses report
(including monitoring receivable and payable account)

• Financial statements as required by the mandate


titre_GestionBauxLocataires1Tenants and leases management

• Systematic and comprehensive analysis of the profile prior to the acceptance of the future tenants prior to their acceptance
• Collection of rents, Production of the notice of late payment
• Preparation of lease renewals by the standards of the Régie du logement
• Negotiation of rent increases
• Complaints management and use of legal procedures (if needed)


titre_GestionEntretienTravauxMaintenance and work management

• Grants concierge services contracts and manage hirings of the staff assigned to the tasks as needed in the building
• Monitoring the work of subcontractors and quality of their services
• Visit the vacant apartments, or in the process of being, to determine the renovation work to be carried out
• Monitoring or realization of renovation and repairs according
the clauses of the mandate

• Monitoring the cleanliness of the buildings, both outside and inside
• Contract negotiations for the benefit of the owners (elevators, swimming pool, snow removal, lawn care, etc.)
• Development of preventive maintenance plan of the building

titre_LocationVacantRenting of the vacants apartments

• Advertising of vacant apartments or in the process of being in the media
such as newspapers, websites (personal and specialized), high-profile sites (Kijiji, LesPAC, etc.)

• Developing promotional campaigns (as required)
•Visit of the apartments to prospective tenants


titreProceduresSpecialesSpecial procedures

• Registration requests with the Régie du logement
• Preparation and delivery of documents to tenants (Subpoena)
• Representation to the Régie du logement
• Mortgage refinancing




• Revision of the coverage of the insurance policy so that it is suitable and certified by a professional evaluation
• Quotation and follow of the insurer of insurance claims in case of disaster
• Presentation of a report to the owners (if necessary)


Emergency services

• Setting up an emergency telephone service 24 hours and 7 days a week to ensure maximum safety

This list is not exhaustive and instead represents a basic personalized services, the management mandate prevailing on it.